Proteins Win the Race

When they get up in the a.m. before the trip, make their first food/drink of the day, a small bit of milk, (like 1/3 - 1/2 cup) The protein will 'win the race' as the chemical which reaches the brain first. This stimulates a natural 'up' and sharpness as opposed to a day of sluggishness. It will last through mid day 'fueling time' when children typically are tired. Most important part is to prevent your child from eating or drinking anything else (especially sugars or starches), for at least 10 minutes after their milk/protien. The chemicals that are produced by starches, for example, get to the brain prior to the protein, and the milk will not do anyone much good! Laugh, smile, hug a lot (best tip).

More Tips:

Keeps the Kids Entertained
Keeping the Kids Comfortable
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