When selecting toys for your baby or toddler on a long road trip, remember to leave the 'noisy' or 'musical' toys at home. Although they are entertaining, they can be very distracting to the driver (especially anything that sounds even remotely like a police siren) and no matter how much your baby loves 'the cow says moooo', you're going to find yourself ready to throw that toy out the window after a few hundred miles!
By: Cathy Brockway
More Tips:
Keeping the Kids Comfortable
Keep Clean and Hydrated on the Plane
ID for the Kids
How Not to Lose Your Child?
What Happens if You Lose Your Child?
Travel Sickness, Cleanups, and Laptop Entertainment
Taking Turns
Take a Break
Snack-Time Tips
Reusable Stickers, Lollipops, and Safety Bracelet
Proteins Win the Race
Preparing for the Noise
Pre-Shipping of Baby Consumables
Postcard Mementos
Polaroid ID
Planning to Stay at a B&B?
Planning a Vacation for Kids
Organizing the Children's Clothing
Mileage Game for Kids
Medical Concerns
Memory Making
Keeps the Kids EntertainedTravel Sickness, Cleanups, and Laptop Entertainment
Taking Turns
Take a Break
Snack-Time Tips
Reusable Stickers, Lollipops, and Safety Bracelet
Proteins Win the Race
Preparing for the Noise
Pre-Shipping of Baby Consumables
Postcard Mementos
Polaroid ID
Planning to Stay at a B&B?
Planning a Vacation for Kids
Organizing the Children's Clothing
Mileage Game for Kids
Medical Concerns
Memory Making
Keeping the Kids Comfortable
Keep Clean and Hydrated on the Plane
ID for the Kids
How Not to Lose Your Child?