Christmas Traveling

Before you leave, call the airline and reconfirm your flight(s) and leave a phone number where you can be reached.

Once you arrive at your destination, contact the airline again and reconfirm your return flight and leave a phone number where you can be reached.

We don't care what anyone tells you, it is important to reconfirm your flights. Way too many air travelers have had way too many trips interrupted or ruined by airline schedule changes, lost reservations or reservation errors than anyone in the airline / travel industry will ever admit! Trust us on this one folks! Reconfirm! Reconfirm! Reconfirm!

Get to the airport early (2 1/2 hours before domestic flights and 3 1/2 hours before international flights).

If you are planning to carry-on gifts, make sure they are unwrapped, or they will be unwrapped for you at security. (USPS, UPS or FEDEX sounds great!)

Believe it or not some jewelry can be a problem. A beautiful broach (with a long pin) could be disallowed as carry-on. Can it be put in checked baggage? Yes, BUT the airlines are not responsible for the loss of jewelry in checked baggage.

Trippler and Associates, Inc.

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